What exactly does “new normal” mean? It is an expression that has become mainstream vernacular since the COVID-19 pandemic. But in the field of trauma response and recovery, it is a term that has long been used to provide hope for survivors.
Healing Historical Trauma
June 9, 2020
Mary Jo Harwood, LSW, DCNCCM
posted in
Crisis Response,
Whole-System Change
White People Need to Own Our Discomfort
For those of us who are white, the role we find ourselves occupying is that of white supremacy. In her book, What Does It Mean To Be White?, Robin DiAngelo describes white supremacy as:
Developing Compassion from COVID-19
June 3, 2020
Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSW
posted in
Crisis Response
Day-to-day life was altered so swiftly and thoroughly as a result of COVID-19—a collective whiplash. As a result, many may feel frustrated, lonely, or are mourning the way things changed and the normal activities we are now unable to do. We may be saddened by losing loved ones or by being unable to visit them. But we may also be finding some sources of joy or re-calibration within this time.
First Nations - Lessons Learned
May 27, 2020
Steve Brown, PsyD
posted in
Whole-System Change
Supporting Trauma-Informed Transformation in Settings Serving First Nation Communities
Beginning in 2010, the Traumatic Stress Institute began supporting the Yukon Territory (Canada) child welfare system to make the transition to trauma-informed care (TIC).
Tribal Communities: Advancing Trauma-Informed Care
May 21, 2020
John Engel, MA
posted in
Crisis Response,
Measurement & Research
New federal funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes critical funding for advancing trauma-informed care services in tribal communities.
Trauma-Informed Care and the Stress of COVID-19
May 11, 2020
Traumatic Stress Institute Staff
posted in
Crisis Response,
Whole-System Change
We are all under noticeably increased stress in this time of the COVID-19 virus changing our lives. We have many things to attend to, from the practical to the personal to the emotional. Our organizations are confronting immediate and longer term challenges from closed programs, potential layoffs, and financial uncertainty.
TIC Measurement Made Effective & Easy
May 7, 2020
John Engel, MA
posted in
Measurement & Research
Delivering trauma-informed care (TIC) is challenging. Measuring TIC is even more difficult. More and more school systems, human service agencies, juvenile justice programs, behavioral health organizations and others are moving to become more trauma-informed - and struggling to measure the impact of their efforts. That’s why the Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) developed the Online ARTIC.
Tips for Starting Trauma-Informed Care Now
May 7, 2020
Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSW
posted in
Whole-System Change
Looking to begin your program's transformation to trauma-informed care but don't know where to start? Or don't have the funding to invest in a whole-system change initiative right now? Here are some suggestions:
COVID-19 Hardship Discount on all Online ARTIC Purchases
May 7, 2020
John Engel, MA
posted in
Crisis Response,
Measurement & Research
Despite the COVID-19 crisis, school systems, human service agencies, behavioral health programs, medical institutions, foster care agencies, juvenile justice programs, and many others are working to sustain trauma-informed care--now more than ever.
The Benefits of Trauma-Informed Care
May 6, 2020
Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSW
posted in
Whole-System Change
Are you wondering what a trauma-informed care initiative could do for your agency? Trauma-informed care has become a catch phrase of sorts, but what does it really mean? Here's a brief overview of what the change process looks like and what it could feel like for your staff.