For nearly 25 years, the Traumatic Stress Institute has been a leader in trauma-informed education, training, and practice, driven by the mission to transform systems and deliver exceptional care to those in need. Sycamores is a trusted human services organization with a legacy spanning over 120 years in Southern California, and they share this commitment. Please note: this content was planned prior to the California wildfires.
Understanding Vicarious Trauma in Perinatal Nurses: The ARTIC Scale in Clinical Care
September 26, 2024
Tasha Reece, M.S.
posted in
Measurement & Research
Traumatic experiences during pregnancy and birth can have lasting effects on maternal and infant wellbeing, impacting everything from breastfeeding, bonding and attachment to maternal mental health. While the body of research on the consequences of birth trauma is vast and still growing, literature regarding vicarious trauma in healthcare providers who witness birth trauma is limited.
What Does Trauma-Informed Care Look Like in IDD Organizations? A Visual Tour
October 16, 2023
Steve Brown, PsyD
posted in
Whole-System Change,
Measurement & Research,
IDD Organizations
In December 2022, three Connecticut-based Arc organizations embarked on a journey together to implement trauma-informed care (TIC) – not just with clinicians, not just a one-time training – but each as a whole organization aspiring to embed TIC into the fabric of their culture.
Utilizing Program Evaluation to Transition Trauma-Informed Care from Concept to Practice
July 10, 2023
Tasha Reece, M.S.
posted in
Measurement & Research
Program evaluation using an empirically-validated instrument like the Traumatic Stress Institute’s Online ARTIC Scale (ARTIC stands for Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care) gives you insight into whether the training modality you choose is effective for your staff/agency. “Trauma-informed care” has become a commonly-used term in healthcare settings as research further supports the impact that past trauma has on an individual’s ability to cope with stress (Gokhale et al., 2020).
New! The Online ARTIC Admin Support Site
June 22, 2023
Online ARTIC Team
posted in
Measurement & Research
Data driven decision making is an important part of implementing trauma informed care and achieving desired outcomes. What are the options for organizations that don’t have the capacity to conduct a full program evaluation on their own? The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) created the Online ARTIC dashboard and an admin resource hub to address that very issue.
Early Head Start/Head Start American Rescue Plan & Trauma-Informed Care
February 22, 2023
Elaine Liberato Jenkins
posted in
Whole-System Change,
Measurement & Research,
Head Start
Early Head Start/Head Start American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act grant recipients are facing challenges regarding how to spend down ARP funding by March 31, 2023. While initial funds were a critical lifeline to child care programs during the worst of the pandemic, there's still plenty that can be done to create stability in programs for the long-term; grant recipients know the importance of building workplace environments that are safe, equitable, trustworthy, and that support healing.
ARTIC Administrations Top 150,000 Globally
January 24, 2022
Steve Brown, PsyD
posted in
Measurement & Research
In 2015 the Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI), in partnership with Dr. Courtney Baker of Tulane University, noticed a research-to-practice gap in the trauma-informed care (TIC) field. In short, TIC interventions of all sorts were trending, while at the same time there was limited empirical evidence to quantify the impact of TIC.
ARTIC Scale: Leading the Way in Trauma-Informed Care Assessment
August 31, 2021
Steve Brown, PsyD
posted in
Measurement & Research
In August 2021, the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare officially added the Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale to their list of evidence-based measurement tools for child welfare. The ARTIC Scale received an assessment rating of “A – Psychometrics Well-Demonstrated,” the highest rating offered by the CEBC. It is the only measure of trauma-informed care (TIC) listed on the CEBC.
Head Start: Measuring Trauma-Informed Care with the ARTIC Scale
April 20, 2021
John Engel, MA
posted in
Measurement & Research,
Head Start
Head Start agencies across the U.S. are increasingly focused on the prevalence of childhood adversity and trauma impacting the children and families they serve. Many agencies have leveraged Federal Head Start Quality Improvement funds (and continue to do so) to both implement and evaluate trauma-informed care (TIC) initiatives.
Trauma-Informed Resources for Early Childhood Programs
March 10, 2021
John Engel, MA
posted in
Measurement & Research,
Head Start
In recent years, trauma-informed care has become the standard of care in behavioral health, residential treatment, healthcare and K-12 school systems. Now early childhood programs are increasingly becoming trauma-informed in their work with young children and families. As with trauma-informed care in general, there is so much information available on the internet that it can be difficult knowing where to start.