In Spring 2021, the Traumatic Stress Institute will convene a 12- to 16-month Pilot Learning Collaborative for organizations serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that are interested in implementing trauma-informed care (TIC). TSI is uniquely positioned to convene this Learning Collaborative, having helped more than 70 organizations across North America embed TIC into the fabric of their organizations.
One study found that, compared to children without disabilities, children with moderate to severe I/DD were 2.9 time more likely to be emotionally abused, 3.4 times more likely to be physically abused, 5.3 times more likely to be neglected, and 6.4 times more likely to endure sexual abuse (Spencer et al., 2005).
The I/DD field is increasingly acknowledging the impact of trauma on individuals served, but less has been done about embedding this knowledge into the fabric of organizations by implementing TIC.
The virtual Learning Collaborative includes:
Organizations in the Learning Collaborative will benefit by:
We are excited to announce our Faculty Expert Team, which will work closely with participating organizations. All have deep knowledge and experience about TIC, individuals with I/DD, and the organizations that support them. If you think your I/DD organization may be interested in this exciting initiative, you can view our information video, the prospectus, and the application to learn more. |
Pilot TIC Learning Collaborative for Organizations Serving People with IDD
February 5, 2021 / by Steve Brown, PsyD
Tags: Whole-System Change, IDD Organizations

Written by Steve Brown, PsyD
Steve Brown, Psy.D., is the Director of the Traumatic Stress Institute of Klingberg Family Centers. A clinical psychologist, he is a primary architect of TSI’s internationally-recognized whole-system change process to trauma-informed care. He is a co-creator, with Dr. Courtney Baker, of the Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale, one of the first psychometric measures of TIC. He trains professionals nationally on psychological trauma and trauma-informed care. In addition to being a psychologist, he is a long time sexuality educator/trainer and author of Streetwise to Sex-Wise: Sexuality Education for High Risk Youth, a sexuality education curricula used internationally by agencies and schools serving high-risk youth.