The Traumatic Stress Institute fosters the transformation of organizations and service systems to trauma-informed care (TIC) through the delivery of whole-system consultation, professional training, coaching, and research.
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Honoring Juneteenth

June 20, 2024 / by LaVerne Baker Hotep

LaVerne Baker Hotep is a Program Coordinator with the Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI). She was part of the team that just spent the last year revising our Risking Connection curriculum, which now incorporates racial trauma and healing work. LaVerne sent the content below as an email to her TSI coworkers in honor of Juneteenth, a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S. She consented to sharing it with our wider community as a moment for reflection.  A note: In her piece she refers to working on Juneteenth. It is a paid vacation day at our agency, Klingberg Family Centers, but LaVerne is running an RC Train-the-Trainer for a newer client agency this week; she will take her rest another day.
To everything there is a season. I know that intellectually. But I get anxious sometimes.
I see the troubles of the world, and feel a sense of urgency. We're in a state of emergency. Do I wish we were a lot further along in our development as a species? Better believe I do. I also see the good that exists and that is possible. The Great Turning is occurring on the planet. From where I sit, facing and healing racial trauma that inflicts the hearts and minds of most humans, worldwide, is our final frontier.  Can you envision THAT world?  As I travel the country, doing do this heartwork, I see cracks in the armor. That's where the light can get in. TSI is a Light Messenger...among many light messengers.  
On this important day,  Juneteenth, I will carry out my Divine assignment in honor of my ancestors, many of whom survived the back- and heart-breaking toil, under the lash. No time off. No paid holidays. It is because of those resilient resisters that I'll stand in front of a group of Southerners today to speak about the pain of trauma and the power of healing. How did I get here? Their bent, yet unbroken backs are the bridges over which I've crossed, carrying the wounds and the wisdom of those who came before me. 
Through the urgency, I will practice gratitude and patience. We humans have ALL been traumatized by injustices and are at different levels of consciousness. Let's look for the good and do our piece for peace as our work at TSI floods the tiny cracks with light. 
And to my ancestors, on this sacred day: I take no holiday. Not yet. I celebrate and honor you. My gratitude knows no bounds. 
I am because you were. 
We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.
LaVerne Baker Hotep

Written by LaVerne Baker Hotep

LaVerne Baker Hotep is a Program Coordinator for the Traumatic Stress Institute of Klingberg Family Centers. With over 30 years in social service and a special interest in historical and intergenerational trauma, she has co-lead training for various client serving agencies around the country. With members of Mediators Beyond Borders International, LaVerne has co-facilitated trauma response training in Liberia and South Sudan. Previously, LaVerne served as a Family Development Specialist and Resource Navigator at the Kingsley Association in Pittsburgh, PA, serving Allegheny County’s East Liberty Family Center where she founded and continues to convene Me2 Sister Circle, an international trauma-informed self-care and enrichment group for women. As former director of community education for the Center for Victims in Pittsburgh, PA, she initiated and convened culturally significant conferences to educate about trauma and its impact in vulnerable communities. LaVerne also has a podcast entitled Black Girl Back Talk.